Friday, January 27, 2006

Mirchi is Humorously Hot

The news of opening the bids for FM radio channels must have set the media on ablaze. It is probably the reason why Entertainment Network has started again to polish their Radio Mirchi.
Good creative. It directly talks about the image of the brand. A sewage-cleaner completely oblivious about the world on top singing aloud while working, need not state anything else. Brief and crisp the commercial does not take more than 12 secs to bring forward the brand name. And it does not even have abominably expensive brand ambassadors nor does it have glaring special effects. The commercial saves on a lot on model cost, production cost, post production cost and airtime.
However, what is striking in the campaign is its absence in print and out-of-home (OOH) media. The previous campaign charged all the media altogether, and the charge was massive. In comparison to what had been done, complete invisibility from print and OOH might create a blockade in getting the desired result. Consumers do not have much of recall elements once the commercial gets over. Did the idea of ‘budget campaign’ somehow pricked in entire planning?
Along with it, another question stands, why a sewage cleaner as the protagonist? Is it a campaign to tap the market where the spending capacity is not very high, is it for the reason to portray that the brand is for all or is he a rep of the geographical demography of the cities and areas FM is about to extend its hands on?
The answers are expected from the horse’s mouth. Till McCann or Entertainment Network open up we have to stay happy with the subtle humor of the commercial and keep an eye on the market to find out who are the new listeners of Radio Mirchi?

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